What Should I Expect at Sunday Morning Worship?

We are a people of all shapes and sizes! Some of us love to dress up, some of us prefer to be more casual. At Covenant, we’re more concerned with our relationship with God and each other.
We begin our worship gathering at 10:30 am with praise and singing as a family. Babies, children, teens, adults and seniors: all ages come to worship God because we believe it’s important to grow and nurture our faith when we worship together. Each week we follow a basic liturgy of singing and prayers, bible reading and hearing God’s Word preached. We open our worship receiving a Scriptural Greeting from God and we close our worship with God’s Blessing, sending us out into his world to be ambassadors of Jesus Christ. Our worship begins and ends with God’s blessings poured over us!
Children are invited to worship “kid-style”, and are dismissed to Children’s Worship later in our service. There, they learn bible songs, receive a bible memory verse, and participate in fun, fellowship and activities. Parents will need to sign their kids in before the service: the sign-in area is located at our Welcome Center, where someone is ready to welcome your children.
We begin our worship gathering at 10:30 am with praise and singing as a family. Babies, children, teens, adults and seniors: all ages come to worship God because we believe it’s important to grow and nurture our faith when we worship together. Each week we follow a basic liturgy of singing and prayers, bible reading and hearing God’s Word preached. We open our worship receiving a Scriptural Greeting from God and we close our worship with God’s Blessing, sending us out into his world to be ambassadors of Jesus Christ. Our worship begins and ends with God’s blessings poured over us!
Children are invited to worship “kid-style”, and are dismissed to Children’s Worship later in our service. There, they learn bible songs, receive a bible memory verse, and participate in fun, fellowship and activities. Parents will need to sign their kids in before the service: the sign-in area is located at our Welcome Center, where someone is ready to welcome your children.

We have the opportunity in every worship service to offer God a portion of all the blessings he's given us, in our offering time. This is entirely voluntary, and these donations help to support many ministries and causes in our church, the community, in Edmonton and all over the world.
Once a month, we come to the family table of God and celebrate the Lord’s Supper. We serve open communion at Covenant which means anyone baptized into the Father, Son and Holy Spirit - including children, are welcome to God’s Family Table. Several times a year, we also continue our fellowship after the service, with a potluck lunch. If you’re lucky enough to visit us when it’s our Fellowship Lunch Sunday, you’ll be in for a special treat! There is always plenty of food, and all are welcome.
Belonging and Believing: Are you NEW to Covenant CRC? Come and find out more about the Christian Reformed Church, the expression of faith through the lens of Reformed theology and how to become a full member of the Christian Reformed Church. We gather in small groups or even one-on-one with a spiritual mentor, learn more about these things in the Belonging and Believing Class. To find out more and get connected in, please contact Lisa in the Church Office at: admin@covenantcommunity.ca, or 780 443 2303. Lisa will connect you with an Elder to get this process started!